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God Will Remember You

Updated: Feb 24, 2023

By Nygia Chapman

Nygia Chapman is a Client Connection Specialist at Veterans United. She also is a Praise and Worship Leader and Liturgical Worship Dancer. She's a certified life coach with a passion to motivate and inspire others to be their best self.

It is easier said than done when the ‘good preachers’ tell us to wait on the LORD thy God. It can sound so cliché and we hear it used so often in dialog amongst faith-based believers, but what happens when you are waiting and waiting and it seems like you begin to spiral yourself into a twilight of waiting? So much so that you begin to hear the notorious Jeopardy game show music playing in the back of your mind? What happens when we become desolate in our faith or our waiting for GOD? What happens when you are waiting and you see others getting blessed before you or life seems to be moving on without you?

Sometimes we get so weary and bogged down with our waiting and our comparison to others we forget to recognize: There’s blessing in the mist of the wait.

I come to remind you to stay strong in the Lord. Stay strong in your walk of well doing. There will be things far beyond our control that will bring us to a desolate place. During these times, we can feel as if we are in a place that is dry in purpose and lacking in production in our life.

We even go as far, often times, to feel as if, surely we must be the “black sheep” of Gods flock because it seems like everyone is in motion and yet we are yet lame in our faith.

At times it lasts so long that it becomes a season of waiting and although we continue to press through and do that which we think would be pleasing to GOD, we find ourselves questioning God. Where is the relief? Where is the presence of God?

In the house of Saul there was a servant lame in his feet. David came, and he wanted to know, who among them could he bless. For we need not be weary in well doing. Be ye not concerned with others and their blessings/forth comings. For in due season, in the season of remembrance God will call you forth to be blessed (II Samuel 9 vs 1-5). And David said go get the lame person and bring them forth so that he might bless them, restoring that which was lost, allowing them to eat at his table from that day forward.

One day God will shift your season of waiting into the season of recovery. God will remember you. He hasn’t forgotten about you. I am reminded that all things are working for a good reason. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28).

Your: tears, pain, emotions, frustrations, area of doubt, loneliness, confusion, etc., are going to pay off sooner than you think. For God promises to never leave us nor forsake us, even in our waiting he is present and he working on our behalf. In the story, David said go get him and bring the servant forth! And there will be a time that God will call your number in line. There will be victory in the wait. God has a plan that’s attached to your wait.

God has not forgotten about you!


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